Silver Laced Polish SOP Questions!


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2017
Tabula Rasa, Floria
Hi y'all!

So, I've been bitten by the chicken bug something fierce, and am considering showing in the next few years. (Long term planning for the win!)

We (husband, kids, and I) have a whole bunch of birds, but my favorites are the crested varieties, and I have a handful of Silver Laced Polish - one sassy cockrel and four pullets - and two young White Sultans. All hatchery, so I know they won't meet SOP or APA standards for shows without some long term work via breeding.

My questions are about the standards themselves - I've been googling to try and find photos of the disqualifications for SLPs, but am not having much luck. Searched here too. Per the Polish Breeder website ( ):

- Black peppering in wings and tail
- Black peppering or mossiness in ground color
- Black ends on lower back feathers and tail coverts
- Frosting in various sections of the plumage
- General color of plumage too light
- Lacing too heavy
- Spangling or moon marks instead of lacing
- White in crest
- White in flight and/or main tail feathers
- Mossiness in various sections of plumage of laced varieties
- While white in the crests of cockerels and pullets of laced varieties will not be tolerated, judges shall not penalize adult birds for white "aged feathers" in the crest

I'm guessing frosting is white bits in the black lacing? Is peppering the black dotty patches in the white? What about white in crests? In a silver laced, shouldn't there be white?

Does anyone have photos of these defects on a bird, or can direct me to resources that have them? (Or have photos?)

I know my SLPs have defects - but I'd like to know what I need to introduce for breeding to balance them out, or if I'm just out of luck and should enjoy them as pets.

Thanks so much in advance, both for the answers and these forums. I spend way too many hours reading here, learning!

I can snap shots of my boy if it'd be easier to point out DQ's on him (pretty sure he's got a boat load) tomorrow, if that would help. (I'm pretty sure he's not show-worthy.)
I'm not a Polish person so I can't help, but do yourself a favour and buy the APA SOP. It has defects/DQs for your breed and 30 pages if information on showing and breeding in the front. It's a tad pricey, but you need it if you're in this for real.

Also, join your breed club. It will help you make connections with fellow Polish crazies & even more information sometimes.

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