Silver Laced Wyandotte - 4 weeks old - pullet or cockerel

One other quick note....

Quick growing in tail feathers is less of a boy indicator to me than almost no tail feathers that grow in real slow. Every time I get a short slow tail... ALWAYS boy.

We should be able to help you sex way before 18 weeks on most breeds...

Thank you for your response. Yes, I'm trying to convince myself of that fact about the tail too, but "Wiggles" waddles are getting red for only 5 weeks old and the legs are more an orange color then yellow. Also, even though Wiggles has a tail which grew out, my other 2 chicks have bigger tails already. With my other 2 chicks (Lavender Orpington & Cream Legbar - which I plan on listing with pictures as well today), I can put them on their backs and they sit there whereas for Wiggles, screams & wiggles a lot. For this breed, if it is a cockerel maybe I won't feel as bad due to I only chose it for how it looks and colors nor the cost. The first 7 breeds were for what color of eggs they laid. You can say the last 3 which would equal 10 chickens total are like potato chips; got to have one more.

My other 2 that came out to be cockerels started crowing right at 17 weeks and there was signs they were boys prior to, but I had to move both of them into the house because my very close neighbors did not appreciated being told it's time to get up at 4:30-5am. Or told, look there's a bird, look there's a dog, cat, car, wind, etc...
"She" is too young to sex accurately, but I don't see any obvious cockerel signs yet. I've had several Wyandotte chicks develop reddish wattles/comb and look like roosters, then turn out to be hens. Some just mature faster than others.
"She" is too young to sex accurately, but I don't see any obvious cockerel signs yet. I've had several Wyandotte chicks develop reddish wattles/comb and look like roosters, then turn out to be hens. Some just mature faster than others.

Actually, that makes me feel so much better. I know I'm just getting a little ahead of myself. I will continue to post updates.
Probably boy still.

I understand wanting the two breeds you ordered instead of a refund. I lost lots of chicks due to shipping last year.... and didn't end up with the breeds I was hoping for either. MPC tried to make it right, but USPS messed up 3 shipments in a row!

My previous short tail statement wasn't directed to your bird, was just a general statement that every time I have one whose tail comes in super slow it is always a boy, not that boy tails come in super slow. So a fast growing tail wouldn't indicate boy or girl either way but super slow equals boy, in my experience.

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