Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks..Help needed


In the Brooder
Aug 2, 2015
Independence, La
Hi everyone! One of the local feed stores has a mixed bin of chicks that contain the following chicks... Buff Orpington barred rock black sex link black giants necked necks gold sex link silver laced Wyandottes. I really want to get a few of the SLW however the last time I got chicks from here I was sold a salmon faverolles that I later learned was definitely not a faverolles. I have searched in the forum for pictures of baby SLW less than a week old so that I could familiarize myself with what the chicks look like without much luck. Is there a way I can tell the difference between these breeds by sight? I read the SLW have a rose comb but again failed to find a picture of a rose comb on a chick. Thanks
This is a pretty good image of a rose comb chick-
And as far as the chicks colours to separate-

Buff Orp's will be a Golden fluff
Barred Rock's will be a dark grey/black with yellow under marks (and maybe spots on the head)
Black sex links will be All Black in my experience
Black Jersey Giants will be similar as the Barred Rocks
no idea what you meant by 'necked necks' XD
Gold sex links are like the Buff Orp's
Silver Laced Wyandottes will be like silver chipmunks like this- and the other image I linked c:
I was just worried they were not all Wyandottes because the two in the back are a little smaller, much darker and have no stripes like the chick in the front.

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