Silver laced Wyandotte gender?

Here's a suggestion. When I put my babies to bed it's dark in the coop. I bring out a flashlight and I point in toward the floor as I sing their nightly lullaby. And I pat them. Chickens have very poor to no night vision. They don't even know I am there. I think it is a good way to socialize them. They get used to you touching them. Might make them calm down. Can't hurt.
For the most part they all are fond of me. Since we got them all as chicks I quickly became their primary caregiver and they learned very fast where the treats come from. I have 3 that need snuggles every day and almost always at the same time. As soon as I sit on my pale they scurry over. If #1 isn’t with is little group the group gets attacked, if #1 is with them all, his little group is happy but everyone else is scared and they all fight.
I’m going to put #1 and friends in the run alone this morning and try to see how things go in the coop
For the most part they all are fond of me. Since we got them all as chicks I quickly became their primary caregiver and they learned very fast where the treats come from. I have 3 that need snuggles every day and almost always at the same time. As soon as I sit on my pale they scurry over. If #1 isn’t with is little group the group gets attacked, if #1 is with them all, his little group is happy but everyone else is scared and they all fight.
I’m going to put #1 and friends in the run alone this morning and try to see how things go in the coop

That sounds like a good idea.
This is “Sexy Legs” and absolutely loves the camera!

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