silver laced wyandotte

Excuse my ignorance...what does BO stand for?

BO = buff orpington
Excuse my ignorance...what does BO stand for?

BO = buff orpington

That's hilarious...we only have three of them. I just abbreviate differently. I agree though...our "BO" birds are so sweet!
Where would be the best place to get them in terms of looks and personality?

From a reputable breeder.

So I should look for someone who breeds them specifically verses a hatchery?
From a reputable breeder.

So I should look for someone who breeds them specifically verses a hatchery?

If you're wanting the correct body type and lacing, then yes you should look for a breeder, not a hatchery to get them from. My avatar is a pullet that I hatched.
For the past year, my first time keeping chickens I have had six SLW and two SLW/Rhode Island Red mix. I love 'em! They have been very easy keepers, calm and amazingly quiet. We have a medium size coop/run and they seem very happy.

They started laying at four months of age, large eggs - color ranges from cream to medium brown, we average 4-5 a day. Although egg production slowed during the winter, in over a year we have only had one day with no eggs. We have had several perfect days (8 hens + 8 eggs = perfect day)

We got ours from local guy, I am sure they are not "show" quality but I think they are beautiful.
i have 3 sliver laced wydottes i really like takes them some time to get use to you but once they do they are friendly .they have personalities,mona- has a one of a kind look and loud mouth.juile- she is sweet she is the lowest on the pecking order so i keep a close watch on her,very friendly, and maude- she is quite, shy and walks with pride. i love to watch them and they are wonderful i would like 5 more myself .one thing i can say is that these birds are very easy going and it is not best to but them with chickens who are agressive. they are easily picked on. at this time i have 4 BO and 7 red star, i am not happy with the red stars attitudes.
good luck !!!!!
on finding the right hatchery i have just placed an order with mcmurry but am really nervous about it after what others have said. let me know what you find out.

Where would be the best place to get them in terms of looks and personality?

From a reputable breeder.

Bingo. Not a feedstore, not a hatchery.
I'm not a good person to ask about SLW's. Mine is gorgeous, but she's very loud and pushy, definitely the leader of the pack. She is going to a new home this coming week because she kept plucking feathers from my EE.

For looks, they are amazing, but I haven't had luck with their personality.

They also can't tolerate a lot of heat. We're in south central TX and last year it was 100+ for over 65 days, and Betty panted constantly even with a mister and big, frozen ice bottles to sit on. The breed originated in NY state, so they do GREAT in cold weather.
Betty is almost twice the size of my EE, yet she only weighs 1/2 lb more!

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