Silver Laced Wyandottes- bad attitudes?

I think the temperament of wyandottes can vary a lot- I've heard of them being nice, I've heard of them being mean. I have 4 from a hatchery (2 silvers, 1 golden, and 1 columbian) and they are all very antisocial. I can't even get close enough to pet them. No personality at all... but I keep them around because they're very pretty
I have one SLW hen, so by no means a good representative sample of the breed as a whole, but she's not aggressive at all. And is a hatchery bird. She was given to us. She doesn't like to be handled and keeps her distance, but not at all mean. And within my flock she's actually bottom of the totem pole. :sh

Like someone else said, it probably depends largely on the line.
Wow, I've never heard of Orpingtons being aggressive! I love Orps, especially the buff ones- SO cute and sweet!!!
I guess there is plenty to be said of selective breeding, breeding for QUALITY vs QUANTITY. You know, as a horse breeder, I fully understand the importance of breeding for temperament, but I really never thought of breeding for temperament in chickens! I don't knwo why I never considered it, as long as I've had chickens!!!

The only aggressive roo I have ever had so far was a Buff Orp, but I was able to break him from it. I bought him when he was already grown. On the other hand, the sweetest roo I have ever had was also a Buff Orp that I raised from a chick. So like they said, It just goes back to where they're from and how they were bred.
Talk sweet to them and play good music... maybe they will stay swwet and kind!!! I hope so!
I don't know if I'll try them again or not, maybe if I find someone who has some sweet ones and breeds them I'll get some more... They are so pretty!!!

I like your siggy! LOL

I know Katy has good ones and so does Mrs. Turbo. As for the nature of their birds, I can only hope and pray they are better than the evil-demons I got from the hatchery!
As I live in Europe I've never had any experience with the US lines, but all Wyandottes I've ever come across have been nice and mellow. I've never had any experience with hatchery birds come to that, as you can't get hatchery Wyandottes where I live. I don't know if there even are hatcheries in Europe that sell Wyandottes

I've heard lots of critique on hatchery Wyandottes in the US though.. As Katy said, hatcheries DO tend to breed for numbers rather than other qualities, and this will have consequences.

I simply
mine, they are absolute favourites!

I don't mean to antagonize, but I think it's sad that people tend to go for the cheapest option and then judge a whole breed on IMO untypical birds.
I had 2 hens and a roo and they where aggressive. The roo ended up being supperfor attacking my grandson repeatedly. The hens I took to auction. They picked on the young hens . They where just bullies

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