Silver Lakenvelder and Leghorn cross?


13 Years
Apr 1, 2011
Southern Maine
I have a silver Lakenvelder roo with 6 white legorns and 2 brown leghorns. All are your average hatchery chickens.
I am just wondering if anyone has crossed these two and if so, what do they look like as chicks and adults?
With the brown leghorn hens you should get columbian looking roosters with white legs and silver ginger hens with slate legs. They would have a nice landfowl type and prepare to be bombarded with eggs... ;)
With the brown leghorn hens you should get columbian looking roosters with white legs and silver ginger hens with slate legs. They would have a nice landfowl type and prepare to be bombarded with eggs... ;)
Thanks for the reply!
It doesn't matter to me as I am simply raising them for backyard pet/eggs. So the egg part is a bonus! I was just curious if anyone had already tried this cross as I am curious as to what they will look like :) So thanks! I can kind of/ sort of picture what you are saying

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