Silver Sebright chicks w/ combs - pic added

Must Be Losing It

Lost It
11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
Uxbridge MA
They're about a month old (on the 3rd) one has no comb to speak of and is cute and chubby and quiet, the other two live on top of the food and waterer with thin orange combs. The fourth has a snappy red comb w/ the start of red wattles.

Question of the day: I assume the 4th is definately a roo, but how far developed or red should the combs be at a month old to be a roo? Here's hoping I have 3 hens.

I can post pics tomorrow.
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Here is a picture showing the beaks of two sebrights, not a great picture. They weren't cooperating.


The other sebright has no comb at all.
Well, they don't look like any sebrights I have ever seen/bred, esspecially not with those yellow beaks(sebrights have blue/horn coloured beaks and legs).

I did have a Golden sebrightsXBlk tailed buff Jap cross roo that looked similar to those as a chick.
No they didn't.

Looks like I made a booboo and they're sebright/barred cochin mixes. Oh well, just means I need to buy more eggs and will try next Spring for those gorgeous little birds.

I have to admit, I think sebrights are some of the prettiest chickens I've ever seen.

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