Silver Spangled Hamburg-Roo or Pullet???


7 Years
Nov 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all! I got this chick as a freebie with an order I got back in April and it was marked as straight run. I've have been looking all over and can't really find anything that helps me to figure out if it's a roo or a pullet! It's a silver spangled hamburg and it's a day or two over 9 weeks old now. It's comb was red before all my other chicks(all different breeds than this chick tho) but it doesn't seem to be larger or redder than any of the pictures of the pullets I've looked at with this breed and it's wattles haven't really grown out much. I'm not seeing any sickle feathers(unless they just don't have any showing yet at this age) and I can't really tell if the hackles are pointed enough to be male. Can anyone help or at least tell me what a dead give away would be? Like when it should start crowing if it's a roo maybe? I tried to take some pics but my camera isn't the best and I couldn't get any close ups because the others kept getting in the way!


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