Silver Wyandotte or Austrolop

Thank you, I feel better now. I will post some pictures later of some pullets I have questions on, I believe they are golden and red sex links plus an austrolop. My others are barred rocks and black giants plus 236 Leghorns. Take some pictures this evening. Building coops. Thanks as always. rg's
Thank you, I feel better now. I will post some pictures later of some pullets I have questions on, I believe they are golden and red sex links plus an austrolop. My others are barred rocks and black giants plus 236 Leghorns. Take some pictures this evening. Building coops. Thanks as always. rg's

You're welcome. I'll look forward to seeing your pics from this evening.
You're welcome. You are correct; you have Delawares. White Rocks are all white and do not have the black feathers of the columbian pattern, Columbian Rocks lack the broken pattern in the black feathers that Delawares have, and Light Brahmas have pea combs and feathered legs. The birds in the second pic down are a Golden Laced Wyandotte and a Barred Rock, the bird in the third pic is a Production Red, and the three birds in the bottom pic are (from foreground to back) a Barred Rock, Delaware, and Golden Laced Wyandotte. All of your birds are pullets.
Thanks Michael, you were the one who told me from the get go they were Delawares, I have been telling them
, I really like raising these chickens in stages and getting different breeds. My last order I got 15 Leghorns and 25 Surprise Pullets--that is why I ask some of the breeds to make sure. Thanks in advance. rg's
Thanks Michael, you were the one who told me from the get go they were Delawares, I have been telling them
, I really like raising these chickens in stages and getting different breeds. My last order I got 15 Leghorns and 25 Surprise Pullets--that is why I ask some of the breeds to make sure. Thanks in advance. rg's
I see you are in Texas. Wish I was! I also enjoy the different breeds. I am quite happy with my Delaware. Very heat tolerant calm hen. Get's along very nicely in my mixed flock. Should lay some nice large eggs for you and often. My SLW and GLW are docile as well, not quite as forgiving in the heat though (it can stay above 100 for weeks at a time here). If you are still looking to add, you might really enjoy the Black Australorp. Very heat tolerant, docile and should lay bountiful large eggs for you. Anyway, best of luck with your flock!
Later I will post a picture of what I think is a black austrolop, along with others. It gets hot here too, I had to let this last batch run with the big girls early because it was just to hot to be caged. I cage them every night and let them out around 9 am, I let the big girls have morning rights.
Ok , here are my new chickens, I know the white ones are 236 Leghorns, I have some barred rocks, and the darker is what they call a black giant. The black chicken with yellow/white head and the red chicken with the white feathers. Also the orange chickens, I do not think they are production reds. rg's

Thanks Michael, you were the one who told me from the get go they were Delawares, I have been telling them
, I really like raising these chickens in stages and getting different breeds. My last order I got 15 Leghorns and 25 Surprise Pullets--that is why I ask some of the breeds to make sure. Thanks in advance. rg's

You're welcome.
Ok , here are my new chickens, I know the white ones are 236 Leghorns, I have some barred rocks, and the darker is what they call a black giant. The black chicken with yellow/white head and the red chicken with the white feathers. Also the orange chickens, I do not think they are production reds. rg's
How old are these birds? Your black one is probably a Black Jersey Giant. Check the bottoms of its feet. If they are yellow, it's a BJG, if they are any other color (whitish, grayish, pinkish) it's a Black Australorp. You are correct, your orange (reddish) birds with the white feathers in the tails are Red Sex Links; not Production Reds and they are all pullets. Male RSLs are primarily white with with some reddish feathering in the saddle area.

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