Silverudd's Blue

I have 4 Silverudds Blue hens and 1 rooster from the hatching eggs that I purchased from KYtinpusher last year. I will try to get some pictures up.

I love these chickens. They are pretty chickens and the eggs are not all the same shade of green altho close.

This is their first season laying and so far the eggs are a nice size but not and an "extra large egg" or "Jumbo."
When mature, our hens do lay a large egg but not extra large as you describe.

Have you ever seen eggs that were huge and had a bump around the middle almost as if 2 eggs were combined? That is how most of these eggs were. Some were huge without the bump. They only had 1 yolk or I would have thought they were double yolk. I also noticed this same person had an ad on Ebay. They usually post pics of the very nice looking rooster but don't really show hens. In one pic on ebay they post a pic of a pair that do not even look like this breed. They don't use that pic on Facebook. Just want to warn all to be very careful when ordering out of Brooksville, Florida.
Quote: My hens did start laying extra-large eggs their second year. Silverudd's Blue were bred as a production breed to lay lots of large to extra-large eggs despite their small size. Here is a picture of some of my hens' eggs from last year:

That is a quarter in the picture with the eggs and if I remember right, they were in the 62g-67g range.
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Same here, my little hen (weighs in as a light weight) lays an extra large egg.

Just a thought for consideration as KYTinpusher says eggs size is actually determined in the USA by weight. the weights are for a dozen according to the US Dept. of Ag (USDA).

Here's a chart that is linked on my own personal BYC page:
How big is that EGG?
EGG information
















Extra Large












above Information Reference: Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow except asterisks which are my additions thanks to Nonny in Queensland and Wikipedia..... Note: Nonny's Australorps have laid an egg 96 grams. (ouch)
THANK YOU LINDA FOR FINDING MY ERRORS and alerting me so that I was able to fix it!

So my Isbar "Big Blue" who weighs about 3 1/2 pounds herself produces a 2.25 oz egg. I'm thinking that is one of the reasons that the breed is so impressive. Her egg is elongated rather than perfect egg oval.

ericinga - did you by chance weigh any of the strange eggs? Your post is the first one I have heard about the eggs being strange from this breed.
My hens did start laying extra-large eggs their second year. Silverudds Blue were bred as a production breed to lay lots of large to extra-large eggs despite their small size. Here is a picture of some of my hens' eggs from last year:

That is a quarter in the picture with the eggs and if I remember right, they were in the 62g-67g range.
Those look like a good size. These were larger than those though. I wish I had taken a picture of them. The neck on the one chick that hatched and died was as big around as my thumb and I have fat hands.
I wonder if GFF will change the name on their listing for isbars
It is going to be a big adjustment either way -- since people here in the USA know the breed as Blue Isbar.......

ETA - how much a name sticks even after it is officially changed.....once the Cream Legbar was known as the Crested Cream Legbar -- then in the UK the name changed -- but there are still a LOT of people who refer to the breed as Crested Cream Legbar...

ETA - in some ways it will show who is current with the breed and who has the latest 'news' (e.g. up to date on what happened in Sweden) and those who are not up to date.

Among the things that I think are tremendously advantageous and just seem like common sense to me is that the approach from Sweden brought to us by KYTinpusher includes Blue-Black-Splash -- where as some breeds-- the non-blue ones are not 'correct' -- With the way the colors hatch out -- that just doesn't make sense to me -- they are all the same breed -- just have color variations IMO.
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It's too bad that you had to go through that. Maybe you could source some eggs from a different place.

Thanks and it was sad. I have some eggs from GFF most recent imports but they are all black except for a few and they are a wait and see. I have some eggs I got from a breeder in Nashville and she has some of KYTinpusher's stock and they are supposed to hatch today. Hoping they do. Saw a few that have pipped. I got leghorns from her too and they hatched yesterday. Not sure why the different breeds are hatching separately. Never know! Just want them to hatch, I can wait an extra day or 2. HA! My favorite is 1st imports. My hen is first import and wish I had a rooster to breed with her.


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