Single chick


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 8, 2011
Gowen, MI
I had to take a chick from my broody as it wasn't doing well on Saturday. Today the chick is doing very well!!! Can I put the chick back with the hen after this amount of time? I hate seeing it by itself and the hen does have other chicks. If I can, what would be the best way to do it?
Thanks for all help!
Just put the baby back with the hen and watch closely. I suspect the chick is imprinted on the hen and will run right to her. Few hens will reject a baby chick if they already have chicks, they seem to think more is better. If the hen gets very aggressive toward the chick, or if the chick runs away and won't go near the others, you will have to remove it again, but I think that's the less likely situation.

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