single digit temps non insulated coop

thanks for the replys. i have decided to not use the heater. the more i think about it our cows stay out all winter and if its really cold/ bad weather they just stay in the barn and get some extra grain, i have been feeding crack corn since nov., heck my coop is old and came w/ my property and held chickens prev, so i think they'll be fine. after talking w/ my grandma and neighbors they said the chickens will be fine. they said "just remember that say 50yrs ago or so not everybody had electric or such and in those days people still raised livestock, sometimes w/out shelter,the chickens will be fine plus they will be hearty and well adapted to the environment."
it helps to have someone older around who knows how much harder chickens had it in the old days to make it seem easier now. lol. always does me, anyway.

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