Single duck and what to do!!

Isabelle Johnson

Sep 11, 2020
I have two mallard ducks, almost two years old. Last night around 11 a raccoon got one of my little ducks, so now I only have one. I’m not sure what to do with her since she’s by herself and I know how social ducks are, she’s been a lot more aggressive and has some sad little quacks but other than that she seems okay. I don’t want her to be alone but I’m not sure how to go about fixing the problem, these are my options but I’d love more ideas. I could try and find another duck around her age, get little ducklings cause she loves to sit on eggs, so I think she would be an amazing mom, or I can try and find somewhere that will take her who already has ducks. Please help me know what I should do and my best options. I am so heartbroken!
It sounds like you already know what your options are. Really it's up to you how you want to proceed.
If you love this duck and would like to keep her, I would try to find her a mature friend, a female would be better than a male unless you want ducklings and other females so they don't get overmated.
What is the situation like for their housing? It will need to be predator approved otherwise this is just going to happen again.
I'm so sorry for your loss. ♥️

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