single wild eastern turkey


10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
Southern Md
Last week a single wild eastern turkey (think a hen) joined my backyard flock of 7 hens/one roo. She just jumped the fence - back yard is large and a mixture of woods and grass & they all roam around most of the day. We started seeing her around the neighborhood in April - always by herself. Now she seems pretty settled in with us. She leaves at dusk when I close everyone up for the night and returns first thing in the morning. She is fine with the dogs, cats, kids and interested in the grapes, scratch that I hand out occasionally.
Does anyone know if it is normal for wild turkeys to be alone? Would you expect her to stay?
These are my first chickens. They are 17 weeks old.
Wild turkeys seperate durring the spring breeding season and to my knowledge can stay seperated until fall then they join bachelor groups the hens with other hens and poults and the males stay together...
Yes, you are right about not going far. She flies up to the roof of the coop and roosts in the tree above it at night.

Actually now I'm wondering if it is male or female. There is a smallish beard/feather on the neck so I guess it could be a young male as well. She/he has challenged my young roo a bit now - he hasn't been crowing near as much.

Is there a way to tell in a juvenile - if it is male or female?

Thanks for you replies.

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