Sir Charles "Charlie" the first ...


Mar 30, 2020
I thought I share this with you, as it always makes me loving my quails even more ... 🥰

I read, that only King Quails are doing this .... maybe I am wrong, but my Charlie is an absolut exeptional bird anyway.

He isn't fighting at all. Just protecting and totally caring for his girls.

I was introducing an other roo in the coop (my Celadon roo), as I wanted to breed again with this flock and 3 of the 6 hens in there are Charlie's daughters.
He wasn't pecking or chasing the young competitor at all, just pressing his body between the young roo and the hen, when the younger tried to mate one of the hens, flipping him off.

He is also very silent, ... just crows in the morning and the evening one time, which is ideal for my balcony (the Celadon crowed from 5am to 6:30am every minute 🙈 )

He and Sarah (the hen in my profile pic) are the only quails I haven't incubate by myself (oh, and the Celadon too) and also the oldest (2 years in late summer).

I had in my first brooding 15 chicks, where 10 were roos and 2 of the 5 hens were over-aggressive. I had to cull them.
I went to a local Hobby-Breeder, to get 2 hens to substitue my flock.

The breeder gave me Sarah and Charlie, in a horrible condition, totally plucked on the neck and back ... seemed the flock there was totally overcrowded by roos.
First thing I said was "This is a roo!". The breeder answered, "No, look, it is stepped. Must be a hen." ... oh my gosh 🤦‍♂️
Obvious knowing he is a scammer, but really feeling compassion for the birds, I bought both.
I just was not thinking about any infections they may have, infecting my birds, just wanted to get the birds of that place.
Just relized this on the drive home and I would maybe endanger my birds (luckily they had none).

Isolating them in my brooder and coddleing up, I introduced them to my flock and it worked fine
Even when I changed the flock, he sleeks any troubles between the hens, non violently, just by set his body as shield.

I love my Charlie and the whole flock. They are pets, all having names, and will not be harvested. .... don't want to imagine when it comes to the natural end of their life time.
Not like the "boys and girls" at the farm, they are livestock.
Shizophrenic, isn't it?

Long story, sorry! But I thought it is worth to share with you.
So sweet! 🤩 My roo does the same! He is really cunning sometimes. He lures his hen to him and presenting her a piece of bedding or a small stone instead of food! She falls for it everytime.
This neaky little roo of yours 😂 🤗

I wasn't aware that Japanese Quails are doing this, as Charlie is the only roo of mine doing it.

So cute 😊
Wow, what a story.

I have some very nice roos. I have a pair of japanses quails (yes, I know, a pair) who are super attached to each other. There names are DJ and MJ. They were both rescues, from different times, who happened to bond to each other. Some quails can be very sweet :love

I absolutely agree with you since I have a bonded pair myself. My roo has enough hens to choose from but he has always been loyal to one, which happens to be his sister:idunno. He won't even look at the young girls and calls for his mate when she walks to far away from him.
I tested it this evening with a flock at my breeders lot ... the roo took the mealworm, escaped and ate it himself, hunted by the hens 🤦‍♂️

Didn't tested all flocks, so Charlie is still the exception here. He has really a golden heart 🥰

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