sitting in my i crazy?

This is my favorite thread, ever.
I get so engrossed in "Birdville" that I have been late to work more times than an adult of 40+ years should be.
I need some new excuses. I know I can't say "Nutmeg was in a nest box for the first time, and Jessica and Kibbles were cheering her on, and I just had to see how it worked out ...". At least I can't say that AGAIN.
I know, I'm loving this too! I just told my builder that I found a use for the old wooden swing I have sitting on my deck. I'm going to have him hang it inside the chicken run! I'll bet when I'm not sitting in it the girls will love to swing as well!
CALL IN SICK!!!!! If you need a reason, tell them you're SICK of missing the most important things in life and you're taking a mental health day! (It's better than "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS DEAD END JOB AND MY BOSS IS SLOWLY SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF ME ")

If that is a little too truthful, you could go with: "I have to stay home and clean ALL my guns today....that's what the voices in my head TOLD me to do....."

Call in and say: "I am SO sorry I'm running late. I've been throwing up my guts all night and I'm trying to find a clean bucket to set by my desk so I can come in and work today....."

Or maybe, "OOOOHHHH my hot water heater in the attic burst and my kitchen is FLOODED, there are electrical wires hanging all around where the ceiling fell in and zzzzt....zzzzt.........zzzzzzzzzzzttttttttt" (that's a little harsh, I suppose)

Of course there's the classic: "My husband/wife and I had a huge fight this morning and I can't wait to get to work so I can call my lawyer and start divorce proceedings, and on top of that my d@#n Prosac prescription ran out two days ago too."

It is comforting to know I am not alone in this "just gotta go watch the chickens to regain my sanity" thing! When life gets crazy and stressful, I find myself out in the backyard with my girls. They follow me around & it's sooooo cute. I love it/them. I open my back door to go outside, and they come running, flitting, and flying all from hither-and-yon, just in case the tall funny-looking chicken with no feathers (me) has brought treats yet again (more often than not, alas, they are not disappointed).

We, too, have our chicken-watching area on the patio, where we can sit with a couple of camp chairs and watch the girls forage around the yard. We can see pretty much the whole yard from there, save for the small area behind the coop, between the run and the back fence. My DH sits out there in his camp chair with popcorn and puts it up on his leg and sticks his leg out like a ramp to get them to walk up his leg. He'll lure them up onto his lap with pieces of popcorn & they'll just sit there on his lap while he hand-feeds them. (Incidentally, I've also... ahem... "caught" Mr. BigAndTough with his beard and tattoos laying on the floor playing here-kitty-kitty with a 10-week-old kitten when he thought I was in the other room on the phone, erstwhile telling me he is just not an animal person.)

I think having chickens helps us regain our sanity because when we watch them, we are reminded that life is miraculous and simple. They are so content to have a few treats, a flock of friends, a place to dustbathe, plenty of food and water, and room to roam. They do perfectly fine without text messaging, and when they "tweet" something, it has a whoooooole different meaning. Whatever the reasons they help restore us to sanity, I'm just glad they're here.
so today out in the coop I got to see something new.When Bella was about to lay her egg ( 4th egg for us...
) seems like the others came in to cheer her on ! I take my coffe out with me and just sit and watch them. I still cant put the little bantys in with the big girls. they just get pecked to death and it breaks my heart... so I have put up a divider and now they have a little corner in the run all to theirselves.... I laugh out loud sometimes and wonder what my neighbors think i do out there for hrs at a time. They must think im nuts...
they just dont get it !!!
Me too, me too!!!!

Hi. My name is SycolinWoodsChickens and I am a coop sitter too! (That's what I'll say when I have to join Chick-a-holics Anonymous).

I get up at 6am everyday to collect my duck eggs. If one of the girls is in the nest box I'll wait, and wait, and wait for her to finish. We now have one hen (chicken) laying and for the last two days I've been able to time her egg laying and sit in the pen with her. It's just amazing to me. I might never get back in the house to get ready for work once they all start laying!

I've had to stop telling chicken stories at work. My co-workers think I'm a little nuts over my birds! But they are still asking me for eggs!

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