sitting in my i crazy?

Yeah, so nice to learn you are not crazy after all for liking your chickens. DH was the hold out for 3 years...would not even consider having chickens. I begged each Spring. This year he got tired of my begging and went to TSC and bought 6 sex links thinking that would be the end of it.

Now he loves to sit in the run with them...he keeps asking if he is nuts for enjoying them so much. Told him if he was, then I was ready for the guys in white coats since I sit with them for hours when he is away for his 4 days.
I caught the chicken bug while visiting family this past summer. It really was relaxing to sit outside and watch their chicks and gather their eggs. A month after I got home I built our coop and ordered chicks. I have spent hours every day just watching them grow. Now they are 7 weeks old and are such a pleasure. I didn't know it at the time, but I built the coop in an area where I can lay in the bed in the morning and look out and see the girls. So they are the first thing I see every morning. I get up and make their treats before I even consider making our own breakfast. They just seem more appreciative! Then after we eat I go out and sit in the coop or run with the girls, check their feet, vent and overall health. Yesterday Cora Lee my Buff Orpington jumped up on my lap along with three other chicks and without any announcement pecked and pulled off my earring. They really keep me on my toes. I love my chicks and call me crazy if you want but as I see from all the former post I'm in good company!
Wendy'sChicksRock :

So everyone is gone,my hen is in her nest box getting ready to lay and I'm sitting out her waiting to hear the egg song! I think I have lost my mind...

I just open my back windows. Everyone within half a block hears my girls' egg song. I don't know if the hens would actually lay if I sat in the coop. The one on the nest USUALLY stays there when I am in the run bringing food and water, but not always.​
I agree with all of you. I come home from work, run into the house and get my flannels and sweatshirt on and out I go to sit in my chair and watch the girls free range. They are so much fun to watch and so relaxing after working all day.

The girls at work think I'm nuts and 'Ive cut back on telling chicken stories because they just dont get it..........

But thats ok because my dh understands. He's retired and he tells me all kinds of chicken stories when I get home.

Can't get much better than Chicken TV.......
Yesterday Cora Lee my Buff Orpington

Unbelievable! We have a Silver Laced Wyandotte named Cora Lee. Cora Lee was a friend to my late m-n-l; very sweet lady...we have fond memories of our daughter when she was 2 or 3 at Halloween when we visited Cora Lee's house...they thought she was adorable and took photos of her...daughter is now 44!!​
Boo-Boo's Mama :

Yesterday Cora Lee my Buff Orpington

Unbelievable! We have a Silver Laced Wyandotte named Cora Lee. Cora Lee was a friend to my late m-n-l; very sweet lady...we have fond memories of our daughter when she was 2 or 3 at Halloween when we visited Cora Lee's house...they thought she was adorable and took photos of her...daughter is now 44!!​

I also named Cora Lee after a good friend of mine. My friend passed away last week at an early age. Now my little Cora Lee holds an even more special place in my heart. She is my most loving chick.​
I must be getting nuts...

At night, once they all get tucked in but before I turn off the light, I open the coop door and start singing to them. They all stop what they're doing and listen quietly. I then rub each one's back and neck, while singing, and they seem to love it!
oooooohhhh, I didn't know we had an official name: CSA!! hah!

I waited, and waited for our 21 week old pullet the other day.

She just sat in the nesting box, fluffing up the wood shavings, cooing, moving around, fluffing.....

and no egg!! Finally had to go to work. And no egg when I got home.

I'm sure I'll wait again today!

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