Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Deb, sometimes being lazy pays off

Thanks to that video you guys learned something new about Finland again. We consume a bit over 2 pounds of coffee per person per month in this country. We're also the biggest dairy consumers in the world.
I LOVED that video!

Was Mandy Patinkin the grim reaper? -He isn't grim. (bad casting.

so vehve, if you fins drink more coffee, does that mean you are smarter than the average earthling?

probably. you have chickens, so you must be.
No, just a bit twitchier before our first cup than others...

Averages are interesting things. In a study conducted here, 80% of all drivers considered themselves to be better than average behind the wheel. I think that's interesting. Personally I think I'm a pretty average driver, although I often do seem to be surrounded by the below average ones.
In the states, everyone wants to believe that their child is 'Above average". At least half of them are. But 50% shouldn't be something to strive for.
Now, two standard deviations above the mean, yeah, aim for that.

But the bumper stickers would have to be longer and take up too much room.
I say, as long as your kid learns to support him- or herself and is happy, that's a job well done. Of course you should always strive to better yourself, but not everyone is meant to become a doctor or an astronaut. The world needs plumbers and mechanics as well.
I LOVED that video!

Was Mandy Patinkin the grim reaper? -He isn't grim. (bad casting.

so vehve, if you fins drink more coffee, does that mean you are smarter than the average earthling?

probably. you have chickens, so you must be.

He was the boss reaper in a show called the Grim Reaper. It was a great show!
I agree totally.
I just do not like how it has become more important to have bragging rights than to actually care about the whole package. Smart is good, educated is good, but kind is better. Generous and thoughtful are better.

There are also different categories of intelligence, and the kid that flunked math will never be the the life saving surgeon, but he might be the musician that puts smiles on our faces.
Or the chef that writes our favorite cook book.
We need the entire spectrum.
My favorite grim reaper is from the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett. They've made some movie adaptations too. The Hogfather is one of those, it's pretty good. But he's at his best in the books. Really dark sense of humor.
My favorite grim reaper is from the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett. They've made some movie adaptations too. The Hogfather is one of those, it's pretty good. But he's at his best in the books. Really dark sense of humor.

Reaper Man is a Discworld novel with death as the main character.
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