Six Week Chicks Vocalizing Loudly At Night


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2020
Hi folks! i'm new to BYC, so thanks for having me :)
My husband and I started our backyard chicken experience about five weeks ago when picked up a couple of baby chicks from a hatchery here in Georgia. We have one Rhode Island Red and one Red Star. They have been doing so well and growing up very fast. We still have them in the brooder at night, while letting them range during the day a little bit in our back yard while we wait on our coop to be delivered.
This past week they have started vocalizing very loudly at night and they seem in distress. I do think it is mostly the Red Star who vocalizes, though. The temperature seems to be fine, around 75-80 degrees in the brooder. They have food and clean water. If I hold them they seem to settle down, but once I put them back in the brooder they get loud again. Any advice on what could be wrong? Their poop looks fine and I haven't noticed any other weird behaviors during the day.
Hi folks! i'm new to BYC, so thanks for having me :)
My husband and I started our backyard chicken experience about five weeks ago when picked up a couple of baby chicks from a hatchery here in Georgia. We have one Rhode Island Red and one Red Star. They have been doing so well and growing up very fast. We still have them in the brooder at night, while letting them range during the day a little bit in our back yard while we wait on our coop to be delivered.
This past week they have started vocalizing very loudly at night and they seem in distress. I do think it is mostly the Red Star who vocalizes, though. The temperature seems to be fine, around 75-80 degrees in the brooder. They have food and clean water. If I hold them they seem to settle down, but once I put them back in the brooder they get loud again. Any advice on what could be wrong? Their poop looks fine and I haven't noticed any other weird behaviors during the day.
Is the brooder full of light at night? The temperature doesn't seem bad for their age, they could probably go down to 70. If the brooder has too much light, they may not be able to get a good night's sleep.
I've been turning the light off, but when they started vocalizing I turned red brooder light back on. It seemed to help them at first. I will try keeping it off.
They really don't need any heat at all at this point. I'd shut the light off and let them complain - they'll eventually settle down for the night regardless.

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