Skin is swollen around Chickens Eye??????


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Can anyone tell me what this is? Last night when she went to roost I thought she looked tired. This morning I got a better look and realized the skin all around her eye is swollen on one side. Has anyone come across this before?
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Pics would help, as would a bit more info on feed, ranging habits, other possible symptoms like discharge from nostrils or eyes, etc. Do quarantine right away, and I would also recommend being relatively sure of a diagnosis before administering any medications.

Please keep us posted.
One of mine has this too! It seems to be less red today after I rinsed the skin a bit and put on neosporin. Wasn't sure if she got some dust into a tiny scratch or something.
I am very curious as to what others think this might be. I don't see any of the others getting it...
Amazing enough I have this in my medicine cabinet from when my son had Pink Eye. Another person suggested this as well. I will try it and let you know if it works. I have been reading about IB which is very serious and contagious. It seems like she has this but she does not have the bubbles in the eye which go along with IB.
There is no discharge from eyes or nostrils. Just a drooping eye lid and swollen around like the picture of the hen on the link above. I wish I could provide pictures but can't seem to figure out how to post. I will try to get my husband to help me with that.

As far as feed she eats the Blue Seal grower pellets and they do free range in my back yard all day long until I can get their run finished. They are pulling up leaves all day long in the woods finding goodies. I was wondering if she ate something weird or came across poison ivy or a bee. I seem to think it is IB though. Hopefully not.

On my chicken the infection is so bad there isn't an eye any more and I'm seriously worried about my chicken. I'm so confused and I don't know what to do. What medicine do I use? Can it spread? Just some one please help

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