Skin issues?

Been following this and curious as well. I had noticed a small spot just like this on our blue runners back also, just no idea what it is.

We bathed her in dawn soap every other day, separated her from the others, didn’t allow access to swimming water, it’s almost gone now. No idea what it was @Runner duck mom how is yours doing?
That's fantastic, Very glad she is looking better after some TLC :)
Our girl actually passed away due to totally unrelated medical issues, which was how we noticed her skin issue in the first place.
All the other ducks are looking good, happy and healthy so her skin issue didn't seem to be anything contagious.
So glad to hear your girl is doing better!
The only thing we’ve noticed is she’s seems to have lost a bit of weight, her keel is definitely more prominent than usual. One concern down, one more to go. Ugh!
Has she been eating ok? While she's been seperated can she still see your other ducks?
In our experience when we've had to seperate any of the ducks they seem to eat better and be much happier if they can still see all of their friends.

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