skittish chicks..

When they are on their table, they are closer to eye level with you.  They aren't being approached from above by big monsters coming at them from over their heads. This is all a big, new, scary, world and they have lot to learn in a short amount of time.  Being an "overhead predator", which they are pre-programmed to avoid in any way possible, doesn't do much to inspire confidence.  

Relax, treats at eye level whenever possible, slow easy movements, and often just sitting tight and letting them come to you will work wonders.

ITA! My first batch had a semi-portable brooder that had 4 solid sides and a wire lid that opened. They moved from that to their coop. Those chicks didn't calm down until they were in their coop. The next batch was reared in a coop-brooder with a full side that opens and a wire run. All of my interaction with them was at their level. Huge difference! So, that's what I do now. I just sit down by them to interact and they view me as protection rather than a predator.
When they are on their table, they are closer to eye level with you.  They aren't being approached from above by big monsters coming at them from over their heads. This is all a big, new, scary, world and they have lot to learn in a short amount of time.  Being an "overhead predator", which they are pre-programmed to avoid in any way possible, doesn't do much to inspire confidence.  

Relax, treats at eye level whenever possible, slow easy movements, and often just sitting tight and letting them come to you will work wonders.

ITA! My first batch had a semi-portable brooder that had 4 solid sides and a wire lid that opened. They moved from that to their coop. Those chicks didn't calm down until they were in their coop. The next batch was reared in a coop-brooder with a full side that opens and a wire run. All of my interaction with them was at their level. Huge difference! So, that's what I do now. I just sit down by them to interact and they view me as protection rather than a predator.

Yes that's what the deal was here. But now I have my 4 weeks in a side opening pen. Hopefully I can get them more socialized soon.

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