Skunk & My Brave dog's Misery PEEEEEEEEEEEEEW !

Well, Cheepchicks, that is awfl. I do want to say that the formula posted by Justasnack is the same one I was given in one of my master gardener classes and is supposed to work very well. As suggested, it must be mixed up fresh. It is well to have the ingredients on hand, but, eventually, the Hydrogen Peroxide will go out of date and not work. I don't know the time limit on that, and I think it is measured in a matter of months. You might want to replace it every 6 mos. or so. (you can check on the effectiveness of it by using a little, half and half with water, as a mouth wash. It will fizz a little if it is still OK.) I didn't know about not getting them wet first. Hope this comes to you after you have already tried the 1qt. Peroxice, 1/4C. baking soda, 1teaspoon liquid soap recipe. In our class they said to rinse the mixture off with water and reapply as needed

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