slated floor in run


10 Years
Sep 30, 2009
I have limited space for a run. I am thinking of having a raised floor made of wooden slates. Any ideas or comments?
I am planning on an 8x12 run for 3-4 hens, I would like to use 5/4 decking to make my floor in the run. I figure the shrinking of the boards will allow the mess to fall through and make easier cleaning. My coop is 4x8 so I expect this is plenty of room. Thanks for the help.

My grandkids 8 and 5 yrs old will be doing the chores. LOL
If you use deck boards, rather than narrow slats (as might be used on a turkey porch or old-style coop) then virtually all the poo will stay ON the slats, and get trompled on and glue itself onto the wood. It would be miserable for the chickens AND for you.

Why not just make the run on the ground, like people normally do? It is a lot easier, and makes cleaning etc easier, and gives the chickens stuff to scratch around in (dirt, sand, or anything might put in there) which is a pretty essential part of being a chicken.

Good luck, have fun,


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