Sled dog breeding

Me and nala are training off leash, she's doing AMAZING! But we are working on setting up a fence. We have 5 rolls of chain link fence. But done have any post yet.

I'm glad that you are going to put a fence up, it's a step in the right direction. But Siberians are highly intelligent, agile, dig like crazy, and are good climbers. A standard fence will not contain a dog like that.

A few years ago I was renting an apartment in another city. My Belgian Malinois, who at that time was our only dog, kept escaping, I could not modify the fencing because I was renting. I tried a cable rated for dogs up to 50 pounds, he weighted 47 pounds and broke it. He led me many a merry chase through the neighborhood, and once got stolen for most of a day before we found him in someone's back yard. He was wearing his collar with tags, ny name and phones numbers clearly visible, he was also microchipped and I told them that I would call the cops if need be, I got him back and invested in a cable rated for dogs up 150 pounds. He never broke it. I hated chaining him up, but it kept him from being run over by a car, or stolen from me again. When we moved here, he escaped 1 time with me right on his tail. I lost him behind a field but a nice lady called to me that he was in her yard and between us and my 2 sons we finally caught up with him. That last time he had managed to slip his head out of his collar, and so got off the cable. So I switched him to a martingale collar. I kept him and the other dogs we had chained until I finished building his custom, escape proof dog pen. it's been nearly 2 years since I built their pen, which I showed you pictures of on the other thread, not a single escape has happened. The only time the dogs got lose was because the repairman left the gate open. I was very lucky the dogs stayed in the front yard.

There are very real dangers out there that you need to protect your dog from. Part of protecting her is to keep her safe from harm on your property.
Tell me about it. There is a local stray pack that lives up the road. The sheriff and animal control won't do anything about them. These dogs have torn through chain link fences to get at a neighbor's dog when she was in heat. They have also killed chickens, other dogs in their owners fenced yards, and bitten a 15 year old boy walking home from school. When we call and complain, we get the same answer, "if it gets in your yard shoot it". So right now I have my gun loaded and on me when I take either female out for a potty break. Otherwise the females are kept inside the house, in a crate or separate room, where I can keep a close eye on them. We do NOT want a surprise pregnancy here, so are taking all the precautions we can.

i don't do the "if its in the yard shoot it thing" unless it gets violent. i do keep a hose on handy and they respond that. I hoping she isn't pregnant but she is showing signs
. we have a guard dog for my flock so no deaths...yet. I also have the other dogs (especial my border collie who is the male in my "pack") trained to keep the dogs away when she is in heat.
While it is good that she doesn't leave the yard much, she needs to be kept in your yard at all times unless she is leashed. The only difference between a pet and a predator is which side of the fence it is on. As long as your dog stays in your yard she is your pet, the moment she sets food in someone else yard, without being on a leash, she becomes a predator. It just takes 1 escape and attack to get an irate neighbor who call animal control or shoot her. Also, groups of dogs running together develop pack mentality, which is a lot like mob mentality. This can be very dangerous. The best thing you can do for your dog is to build her an escape proof pen or kennel and keep her safe at home. I am sure the last thing you want is for someone to shoot her. Use the money you were going to buy a new pup with and instead ensure the safety of the dog you already have. As long as your dog is running lose and leaving the property, she is at risk of being hit by a car, shot, or even being stolen.

Also keep in mind, as you start adding to your pack, building a team you are going to have to make each dog an enclosure. If you had 6 dogs all running lose harassing and killing livestock, your neighbors would get very angry very fast. They would shoot the dogs, call the local law enforcement to file complaints, and take you to court to cover any damages your dogs caused. Because you and your parents, as the owners of the dog, are responsible for its actions.

Starfire669 is right. you can let you team wonder around the town. Sled dogs will eat anything, it doesn't matter if they have to kill it themselves, scavenge for it or steal. this isn't a bad thing though that's how you want it. But if they get out it can be a huge problem.
i don't do the "if its in the yard shoot it thing" unless it gets violent. i do keep a hose on handy and they respond that. I hoping she isn't pregnant but she is showing signs :fl :oops: . we have a guard dog for my flock so no deaths...yet. I also have the other dogs (especial my border collie who is the male in my "pack") trained to keep the dogs away when she is in heat.

What's the b'tch look like? Which one is it, marguen( didn't spell it right srry)
Starfire669 is right. you can let you team wonder around the town. Sled dogs will eat [COLOR=FF0000]anything[/COLOR], it doesn't matter if they have to kill it themselves, scavenge for it or steal. this isn't a bad thing though that's how you want it. But if they get out it can be a huge problem.

I'm gunna wait on the sled dogs. It's to hot in Kansas.
I'm glad that you are going to put a fence up, it's a step in the right direction. But Siberians are highly intelligent, agile, dig like crazy, and are good climbers. A standard fence will not contain a dog like that.

A few years ago I was renting an apartment in another city. My Belgian Malinois, who at that time was our only dog, kept escaping, I could not modify the fencing because I was renting. I tried a cable rated for dogs up to 50 pounds, he weighted 47 pounds and broke it. He led me many a merry chase through the neighborhood, and once got stolen for most of a day before we found him in someone's back yard. He was wearing his collar with tags, ny name and phones numbers clearly visible, he was also microchipped and I told them that I would call the cops if need be, I got him back and invested in a cable rated for dogs up 150 pounds. He never broke it. I hated chaining him up, but it kept him from being run over by a car, or stolen from me again. When we moved here, he escaped 1 time with me right on his tail. I lost him behind a field but a nice lady called to me that he was in her yard and between us and my 2 sons we finally caught up with him. That last time he had managed to slip his head out of his collar, and so got off the cable. So I switched him to a martingale collar. I kept him and the other dogs we had chained until I finished building his custom, escape proof dog pen. it's been nearly 2 years since I built their pen, which I showed you pictures of on the other thread, not a single escape has happened. The only time the dogs got lose was because the repairman left the gate open. I was very lucky the dogs stayed in the front yard.

There are very real dangers out there that you need to protect your dog from. Part of protecting her is to keep her safe from harm on your property.

for sled dogs you want a chain that can hold at least 2x the weight of the dog. keep in mind these dogs are trained to pull so they will. you also want think heavy duty collars and you want to microchip the dogs just to be safe. tags are also nice to have on them. If Griz (RIP) wasn't wearing tags when he ran off, animal control wouldn't have been able to find us when he got killed.
these will NOT work

this will work
this will work
and any heavy duty stake or t-post works. not the swivel kind though, they can dig or pull it out in a minute. i can PM the OP some of things that work and things that don't if she wants.

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