In the Brooder
- May 10, 2015
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this is my first year raising chicks. i started out with 28 meat birds and 6 ducks. 3 weeks after i got them i got 4 rhode island reds, 3 plymoth barred rocks, and 1 more duck. the younger birds have been in their own part of the coop seperated from the older birds until about a week ago when i took the meat birds in to get processed. so now the ducks and layers are all together in the coop and run. they ve pretty much got the pecking order figured out now. i built them a roost in the coop. the layers use it from time to time during the day. i let them all out of their run a couple times a day to explore and feed outside. my problem is i have found them sleeping outside in the run a couple of times. i turned on a heat lamp inside their coop and that seemed to help them go inside to sleep, but with temps rising i dont want to have a heat lamp on. any solutions? or should i just let them sleep outside if they want to?