Sleeping pecking order


7 Years
May 29, 2012
My dominate hen sleeps on top of one of my other hens every night. I lift her off when I close them up for the night but wonder how I can stop this behavior somehow. I feel so bad for my other hen. How do I bring my dominate down a peg...?
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I've never known a chicken to do that. How strange. Is there plenty of roosting space? Maybe try placing them both on separate roosts as far apart as possible.
Are you sure the other hen isn't trying to squeeze under the dominant one? Some chickens are insecure and want to be mothered. You can find nearly mature chicks, trying to get under the mother and in some cases she will encourage it.

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That's very interesting and I hope you can resolve the problem.
To clarify my original post, the hens are not roosting but sleeping in their nesting boxes when this happens, one on top of the other. When its colder they use the nesting boxes to sleep. And I have ample boxes!:D

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