Sleepy Chicken Disease?


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
1832 MC 4008
Is there a disease which is described by a chicken that sleeps all day? I have a 6 week old hen who is sick. she just lays on her side and sleeps all day. today is day 2 of being sick. she doesnt eat or drink. she is VERY skinny. She doesnt have diahrea (that i have seen). she does NOT appear to have any breathing problems. she seems to be extremely weak in the legs. she has a twichy neck (when she looks up, her head falls a bit then looks up etc) as though her head is too heavy. Any ideas? I do know if she is not better after this shot of spectrum in going to end it. But i just want to make sure, that even when she is better or dead, i know what illness it is incase any others have it.

p.s. i just had to kill one of my ducks yestrday who i suspect had toxoplasmosis. It doesnt seem like the same thing besause the symptoms in the duck were different: it wasnt acting sleepy or droopy, it ate and drank everything you gave it up until it died. i have the hen separated from everyone else to minimize the risk of spreading what ever disease it is.
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A chicken who is sleepy and lethargic and doesn't want to eat is simply a sick chicken. She could be sick with a variety of things.

Since you said she's very skinny, i would suspect that maybe she's having a digestive problem. Have you felt of her crop? If she isn't eating, it should be empty. There may be a blockage causing an impacted or sour crop.

It sounds like she is very weak. But if it's her crop, this can likely be fixed.

She needs you to examine her thoroughly to get more clues and symptoms in order to really diagnose her.
sorry, i thought i mentioned it. Her Crop is empty! her eyes seemed normal. She is pinkish where she is supposed to be red; but i think that's cause she's still young. she has a yellow "nose". I gave her a shot of spectrum this morning; 1/2cc. and if she isnt completely better tomorrow, ill give her another small dose. I also gave her medicated chick starter and water with wormer in it. Well, Something must have worked ok. When I came home, she was up and VERY active. she wanted to go outside. her wings were still droopy but she was walking, eating, and drinking. her poop was VERY VERY green; like pine green, but no diarhea. Any ideas?

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We also have a thin, weak, lethargic hen. Our first sick one since we got our girls just over a year ago. She's a 1 1/2 yr.-old Australorp.

We noticed about 3 days ago that her comb was very shrunken and pale and she was moving very slowly. In handling her yesterday, felt how thin she is. She is not broody; at least not in the manner our other Australorp is broody.

The only other thing I can note is that she molted on her back side in the winter (January maybe?) which I thought was unusual and she never has grown back any noticeable feathers. Still got her bare butt. I don't know if that is a symptom of long-standing problem or not.

She does eat and drink, if you put it in front of her so we are fussing over her with cottage cheese, yogurt, whole oats, etc...and periodically help her to her feet and she will walk a short distance and can move around some. But she has obviously not been going to the feed and water on her own.

We cannot find any other symptoms whatsoever and her comb and wattles have better color this morning.

We are absolutely clueless and any input would be much appreciated. Now I'm off to check on her again.....
Still nothing? any ideas? my hen doesnt even have a comb yet so i know its not shrunken. she is still sick. im going to giver her another shot.
I want to say that i think it's a really bad idea to justs start medicating a bird without knowing - or having some good idea what is really wrong.

Have you isolated her?

If she's not eating, then she must, or she will definitely die. That would be my main concern. And i would keep a very close eye on her crop to make sure she's eating and digesting. Check her vent and make sure it's not inverted.

I would put her on vitamin water and boiled egg yolks to get her absorbing nutrition.

Hopefully, in isolation, she can rest better, and you can keep a closer eye so as to get some clue as to what's bothering her.
ok, she IS eating as I previousely stated. She IS drinking too. She was inside the house till I came home and she had pooped all over my leather couch and my wedding dress (which is in the livingroom because im getting married this month). I put her back outside but sepatated from everyone else. How am I expected to figure out what is bothering her? She is droopy! She is pale! Her crop was empty before I brought her inside. She acts sleepy (she lays down on her side and closes her eyes and sleeps) I dont WANT to use medication on her without knowing whats wrong, but how am I supposed to know whats wrong if im not getting real help. I COULD take her to the vet and spend $55 for the office visit, $25 for bloodwork, and $85 for medication. And this is all assuming can find a vet within 100 miles that will see a chicken as a patient. But if thats what im expected to do, Ill just put her down. If I spent $165 on every bird I ever had get sick, id be in bankrupsy. Cruel, yes. But true! I dont raise them for show, I dont raise them for sale, and I dont make money off of them. It's just for something to do. I know it's not advisable to give medication without knowing the illness. But that's all I have! That's all I can do! That and ask you all what you think is wrong. Im not a bad person, or a bad pet owner. If I was, I wouldnt even take the time to care at all and id just let nature take it's course. Please help by telling me what you think it is so I can read about the disease and treat it accordingly... assuming that is wht it is. Otherwise, it's spectrum, wormer, medicated chick starter, and electrolytes is all I can do. That or let her die. I feel so bad just for having to say that, and I am so sorry if I have offended anyone.

p.s. No ruffled feathers no dehydration and no diarrhoea! Which are also symptoms of coccidi/coccidiosis.
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