Sleepy duckling not eating much HELP!

I think I'd stick to scrambled egg if she will eat it. Do you have chick grit? before you feed anything other than their starter they need chick grit. Just place a small bowl close to their feed bowl they use it as they need it.
Looking at the video I could tell Nutmeg is larger than Sage.
I mainly thought giving Sage her own space since she is struggling would maybe help her since you said Nutmeg is picking on her.
I think I'd stick to scrambled egg if she will eat it. Do you have chick grit? before you feed anything other than their starter they need chick grit. Just place a small bowl close to their feed bowl they use it as they need it.
Looking at the video I could tell Nutmeg is larger than Sage.
I mainly thought giving Sage her own space since she is struggling would maybe help her since you said Nutmeg is picking on her.
Thank you very much! I have grit, I'll put some in there. Will do!
That's good. Keep encouraging her to eat and drink. Is she pooping?
I think so but am not sure. I just got back from being out for a few hours and am going to feed them and check on them. Also I stuck a thermometer in there the other day and it was at 92 so I backed the heat lamp up a bit and it was sitting at like 83 last I checked. Also do you think getting a few more ducklings would help? I was thinking of maybe getting a little one Sage's size and then separating nutmeg with a different one. Does that sound good? Like would she do better with a buddy that doesn't beat her up?
She would def do better with one that doesn't beat her up and cause stress. Yeah 92 is too warm good you got the temp down. How is she acting do they huddle under the heat lamp or are they looking comfortable?
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She would def do better with one that doesn't beat her up and cause stress. Yeah 92 is too warm good you got the temp down. How is hse acting do they huddle under the heat lamp or are they looking comfortable?
Thanks! I will look into getting a few more. They have been acting pretty good! I noticed they seemed a bit hot before I put the thermometer in there and were stretching their legs out, but they look much happier now. They kinda change their positions and they look quite comfortable.
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My parents almost bought more ducklings tonight but only found rouens and pekins and we wanted more khakis. Also tonight I got some pictures of the ducklings for size updates and a couple Sage poop pictures lol. The first one is Nutmeg. Shes very chunky compared to Sage who is in the second one. In the third one Nutmeg is on the left and Sage is on the right. The forth one is just their set up, with the food and grit on the left and water with and without electrolytes. The fifth one shows very clearly what Sage does when I try to feed her most of the time. The sixth is another setup picture just without the red light. The seventh and eighth are Sage's poop. It looked very gooey and sticky...and got stuck on her downy fuzz. Sorry its so much I just wanted to up yall.


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