Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

Scrambled eggs work great too I never put on seasonings for my chicken, just the oil and egg. It is always a hit. Cucumbers and mango too. They are walking garbage disposals in general and don't need too much pampering. With chicks be sure to enjoy their learning process as you expose them to a food they have never seen before. By the end of this film there is usually a chase scene.
I would hold off on the big “treats” for a bit until they are off baby / chick starter.
I still do supervised “free ranging” because of the predators around here.
Absolutely will be supervised. Until they're in the coop with the 20 foot run on the grass, and secured with hardware cloth everywhere, we're going to keep them closely watched in supervised "play time." We have every kind of predator you can think of. Except maybe alligators. Not that I've seen in KY anyway. Thanks for the info.
If they have access to dirt or chick grit then small pieces of mealworms.
Ok, yes, we have grit in small bowls for them in the brooder. They love knocking them over then pecking it off the floor. Or sitting on the edge of the bowls and pooping. But you know.....
I think we'll get some mealworms but I can't imagine too many things more gross. But hey, they're chickens and they like gross things.
I'm checking out this pretty amazing coop you've built. Congrats!
Thanks, I give credit to those I learned from growing up(family) and in college.... The skills I have were sanded down and polished up by their direct interaction.

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