Slightly selfish prayers I feel guilty about....


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Dear Lord,

Please teach the dogs to poo in one place. I know I have been putting off my yard chores Lord, but I have been busy, the husband has been gone, and the kids sick. I will try harder to be prompt in my work. Lord, it seems as though the dogs have divided up the yard up into a grid pattern and filled each square with a set quota. I know miracles happen, but I doubt the dogs have learned calculus since last we spoke.

Or Lord, should it be your will, make each dog to poo in its own space, thus reducing this weekly treasure hunt to a 3-stop managable amount.

And if it pleases thee, please make the little one stop going by the back gate. Taking out the trash has become a trip though a smelly minefield. I know she is shy and thinks because she can't see us, we can't see her, but this is untrue.


Lord, I apologize for my selfish prayer. I know it is wrong to ask for trivial things for myself.

Dear Lord, please let me get a raise so I can pay the kid down the block to pick up the poo. He really wants that Xbox.


Redhen...what is your SSP? Does it involve a hunky dirty television star?
Surely others out there have had this same stream of conciousness thought process and then felt guilty? Anyone have one to share?

I composed a letter in my mind at work today:

Dear Microsoft,

Your products stink. See attached list of reccomended changes.

Please forward all royalty checks to the following address:

That's easy... get "catdogs" as we call our japanese breeds. I mean native japanese breeds not the stuff they are known for now. We call them catdogs because they are as clean as cats. They only poop in the farthest corner of the yard and all in the same spot. If possible they will even try to poop through the fence so it's not in their yard. I don't bother to pick up poop in the yard because there is no risk of stepping in it except when trimming weeds along that corner of fence. They lick themselves clean when they come in with dirty paws or bellies. Housebreaking is pretty much nonexistent. If you give them access to outside and tell them what is and isn't part of the house (I did have issues with my akita trying to pee in the basement because it's dirty, smelly, and the cat had already done it) they will automatically start using the outdoors. The breeders we got our registered dogs from have their puppies housebroken by 8weeks with minimal accidents. The akita breeder even shipped a puppy from the midwest to texas and it would not pee in it's crate at 10weeks old. When the new owners got it out they walked it out of the airport and across the parking lot. It didn't pee until it saw grass and then almost made it over the sidewalk but couldn't hold it any longer.

Downside since nothing is perfect... They are as independent as cats and respond just as well to commands plus the wording on a popular shiba site is "Never let a shiba off leash unless god owes you a favor. Even then it's a bad idea.". Catdogs require a good sense of humor or to already be insane before owning them.

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