Slipped Tendon in 4 Day Old Chick...Any Hope?

Do you have any pictures of how you wrapped it? I have a 6week old Silkie that was fine and also been giving them vitamin water, anyway 4 days ago i noticed the problem, i called everyone no one can help no vets around here that do chickens.. Finally someone offered to help me look at it, she said no hope leg twisted or sprained at hip no fixing offered to "take care of it for me" meaning snap its neck, im bugging out i told her to give me the weekend see how she does.. can you give me any advice? do you have pictures of how you fixed it? its not getting good circulation to the toes and now we are going on day 4 or 5. I dont know if i let that lady "take care of it" for me or spend the money to have the vet put down, what does cull mean? is that out down? i finally found a vet that has treated poultry not close and not open till Monday and today is Friday.. what do i do? any advice? im too attached to all my babies, i got 19 chicks now ages 6weeks to 8 weeks and 24 hatching eggs coming next week, to much for this and cant have a disabled chicken, i can deal with a little limp but not as bad as this.. advice? pictures? sorry to bother you, you dont even know me but your story gave me hope..
I can't help with the leg but I can say that sometimes you have to let nature take its course and sometimes, if the chick is in pain it is just the rat thing to help nature along. It's hard to know when to do that. My thoughts are with you.
Thank you. I broke down and took it to the vet. We are now in week 4 of wrapping the leg up. I'm upset because i was not told before we started the treatment that the leg was going to be strait and useless!! i was lead to believe they can fix a little but may not walk so great but now its not looking like that. Before the vet it had trouble walking but still it did ok and it was doing fine with the leg twisted so i think the vet made it worse and im upset because now the leg is going to be strait and may be in the way. I still have a few more weeks of treatment and honestly don't know what to do.. I had a diff dr today not the chicken specialist and he mentioned amputation... i think smoke came out of my ears. I am very upset don't know if i did right thing trying, or if I waited to long to take to vet, or maybe it would of been better to not try and out it down.. Its very frustrating because i have no idea how its going to end up and if it was even worth the trouble.. And im not amputating the leg that's ridiculous after all this!
ya me too.. But each visit the dr takes her in the back and changes it so i havent seen her leg.. This is her before
And according to the dr her leg will be stuck strait (like a wooden leg) because the bottom half of the leg had nerve damage but how do I know the dr didn't course that when they "adjusted" it...My question is how did the $300+ I invested so far help? I dont know what to think ..And if they suggest amputation im going to bug out! If they could not save the leg so she can walk around somewhat normal then why bother, i could of left her as is. I had to separate her shes all alone for 5 weeks now, i invested time and money and worry, not to mention the pain she went threw i had to give her pain meds the first 2 weeks cuz they kept adjusting the leg, yet it seems to have been for nothing. Im just so upset...
Vets now a days will let a animal suffer so they can make a little extra money. It drives me crazy!! I wanted to spare her life. Just because she hurt her leg it should not be a death sentence. She wanted to live and has the best personality so I gave her a chance,and now im worried whats next.. did i torture her for nothing? i want her to survive and go back with the others but not sure whats happening. Todays visit really ****** me off..

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