Slipping more chicks under Momma Hen?!

As the others have said, two weeks is a little too much. Once her chicks reach 1 month, you can take them, and if she is still in broody mode, you can try and add the younger chicks then, she might accept them, and raise them from that point onward. But whatever you do, please be careful of the hens behaviour, she might change overnight
Anyone ever had success adding new chicks under Momma hen with her 2 week old chicks?

Momma Orpington hatched 7 silkies and they are 2 weeks old!

I have 2 newly hatched Amercauna chicks to keep warm.

Would I be able to slip them under with the others during the night?

Any pointers or success stories?
do it, I did it to mine and she was fine. but she's very maternal and always going broody, but my OTHER hen in fact HATED all the other baby chicks until she had her own.. then she even stole everyone else's a few days after..

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