Slow drivers........

Around here, DPS officers look for those impeeding flow and give them tickets.

While we have a huge population of elderly drivers (especially from Nov. to Mar. ... AKA Snowbirds)... I've found that most folks around here SPEED.
We are uber-rural, and all of the roads & highways are one lane each way. I WISH we had that 3-car rule, and it was enforced! There are very few places where you can safely (and legally) pass because the roads are winding and hilly. It drives me nuts when people make up their own speed limit.

On the other hand- we have a 1973 International pick-up that we use when we need to get lumber & stuff. It barely makes it to 60MPH. We ALWAYS take the back roads.
Ya'll should try delivering the mail. People are soooo crazy. They think ... Oh no the mail man... gotta get in front of them...they go slow...
Then they pass me on a very dangerous corner or hill.... STUPID!!!! Most mail carriers will tell you... we don't go slow... especially on a deadhead. And anyway...what's a life worth...taking a chance on a blind curve to pass the mailman or wait a couple of seconds till we get to the next mailbox and then barrel past us?
However... I will say, it irks the #*%@# outta me when someone does pull out infront of me while on route and drive like it's sunday afternoon in the back country. Mail carriers are doing their darndest to get the mail delivered and get out of the way.
While you (and me) are behind the slow driver making up new cursewords to express our feelings, the slow driver is doing the exact same thing to describe the idiot driving behind them. It all depends on your position in the line.

That being said, my driving pet peeve is people who cannot use a merge lane. They think the proper method is to come to a screeching halt at the end of the merge lane, then punch the gas when they see an opening. Makes my blood absolutely boil. Its a MERGE lane not a stop and look lane.
I very rarely tail gate, but there are a few times where its nearly impossible with a very, very slow driver.

I live in an area where many of the back roads have a speed limit of 50 and there are certain roads that just attract slow drivers. I don't understand why they don't just pull over and let people pass! There's a problem if you are going 40 in a 50. I've even had people go as slow as 35 in a 50. I hate that!

I more than understand that people drive slowly when there is bad weather, but a lot of people seem to go crazy for JUST a little rain. I don't understand that either. You don't have to go 25 miles under the speed limit because it is sprinkling a bit. Just keep your distance and drive normally!

When I was a new driver, I was taught by my driving instructor to drive the speed limit unless necessary to drive under. He told me speed limits were posted for a reason and it is typically safer to go the speed than under or over (Obviously! LOL) Now I do drive a bit faster than the speed limit, but there are so many people out there who just don't know how to drive!

The worst is when I'm responding to an ambulance call. I'll have my blue light on and get behind a superrr slow person who won't pull over. It usually takes honking the horn a few times to get them to move because they are so oblivious to the world around them.
We also have a lot of tiny and/or curving country roads around here with large hills. What I don't understand is why someone will go 25 mph in a 55 for MILES. When I'm not comfortable driving fast--because I'm lost, or the road is unfamiliar and winding, and someone comes up behind me...I will just pull off in the nearest driveway and let them pass. I don't understand why all slow drivers don't do that on country roads! You can enjoy your drive or relax without people piling up behind you or trying to pass dangerously!

One thing I am very thankful for around here is that most very slow vehicles, like tractors or mailmen, will either pull off or slow down and wave you around them at a safe spot.

Something that seriously ticked me off...

Once I was going across an old metal one way bridge and I was a little more than halfway across in my car, when an old truck pulling a full wagon of hay bales sped onto the bridge and nearly slammed in to me! You're supposed to stop and look before you get onto the long bridge! I refused to move and he had to back up his truck with that hay wagon on it, and I sat there and stared at him sweating as he did it. Hah.

It was scary because the bridge was swaying under the weight of his truck! I've never had much desire to fall into the Kentucky River in my car...
I have to drive 12 miles in each direction on a two lane road. I get VERY irritated at people that drive 40 in a 55 zone. There is nowhere to pass, and the slow pokes are usually driving a beat up truck with wheels that don't match. Now if I am behind someone that is hauling a bunch of hay or horses, etc., then I don't get irritated.

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