Slow Gizzard? Is this possible?


Dec 9, 2023
I have a 4 month old rooster that has had a chronic crop issue. A month ago I picked him up and realized he had a ginormous crop, it was almost taking up his entire chest. I quarantined him and withheld food for 36 hours and during that time he continued to poop. Leading me to realize that he actually had a very severe case of doughy crop as his crop was malleable and I couldn’t feel any fiber or objects in it. I began treating him with acidified copper sulfate and daily massages, which after 10 days, seemed to greatly reduce the problem, but never fully fixed it. After that I switched him to a regiment of monistat, which has softened the crop but he still has a little lump in the morning. I feed him 3 times a day and stop feeding at 4pm, and yet every morning he has a lump in his crop and continues to poop even before I feed him. This has led me to believe he has has an issue with a slowly functioning gizzard. Looking back, I have pictures of him when he was a chick and I distinctly remember him always having a larger than normal crop, but at the time I assumed it was normal because all my chicks were eating so much. He is active, has a good appetite and doesn’t seem to suffer. I want to return him to the flock and let him live normally as it seems cruel to have him separate for so long without being able to fix him. Has anyone had a chicken with a similar issue in the past?
Good thing you could bring the crop size back to a normal proportion.
Maybe his crop size is just something that belongs to this fellow. If he’s active I wouldn't worry so much.

I never had chickens with crop problems. But I always give them the opportunity to eat stones to grind the feed in their crop. I give small stones mixed with oyster shells in a small bowl. They also have acces to the garden with a gravel path for about an hour daily.

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