
6 Years
Aug 31, 2013
I'm a beginner to all this chicken lark, so if you are kind enough to help, please explain any technical language! My little warren, Kentucky, has been very sluggish lately (over past 2 days). When all the other hen peck pertly at corn or pellets she does everything as if in slow motion! She also has a dirty bum if this helps. Her crop is about half full and I caught her earlier with her eyes shut until I was right in front of her! Please HELP!! I have no idea what to do and don't want to make things worse.
Thanks x
(Also any advice on how to keep a broody hen out of the nest box, because whenever I put her in a separate coop (improvised 'naughty cage') all the other hens just crowd round and won' leave her alone)
It's great u r watching ur chicks to notice that! Always check to b sure vent is not blocked. That's a first then the rest is process of elimination. How old r they?
If her crop does not empty by morning there may be something wrong there--sour crop or impacted crop. Her dirty bottom could go along with that. If the crop is not working, they can get very weak because the food is n't moving through properly. Trim any poo and feathers off her bottom, and dip her bottom in some soapy water to clean her off, and dry thoroughly. Then you can get a good look at her vent. Sometimes a fungal infection for whatever reason can cause sour crop and or vent gleet. Her is a link to crop issues:
I'm not quite sure as we got them from a supplier and we got so carried away we forgot to ask! But we already had an egg when they got home and have been with us for at least 3 months now

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