Slow/Sour Crop

I'm sorry he is not doing any better:hugs

Here is the thread I found that sounded just like what Pumpkin has going on.

Though I don't know about how unwillingness to stand now. I don't know if he's just weak or what. I mean he started favoring his one foot on day 3 of being ill and has since continued to favor it. Now he just doesn't want to stand. He hasn't lost appetite but he didn't each much last night and hasn't eaten much today because he seemed to be picky. Wet his food and moved it to him and he gobbled up a bunch.
He may also have Marek's. Some of the symptoms "fit" with that too. It would be hard to know without testing.

The probiotic mash recipe from Glenda won't hurt him, you can try that to see if it helps.

I just looked at some videos, I'm thinking Marek's may be it. :( This is so frustrating. Two other chicks I'd gotten from the same breeder I got Pumpkin from passed away within 3 days of getting them due to mites. The breeder had just gotten brand new bedding some days before I got the chicks and the bedding turned out to be infested with mites. The feed store they got the bedding from kept the truck with the extra bedding bags next to the barn they kept their chicks and whatnot in. The two that died were my favorites in terms of colors.

Pumpkin is my favorite as well in terms of color and then he's just been so sweet and snuggly.

I don't know if I want the rest of Pumpkin's flock next to my older flock :/
I'm sorry:hugs

If you think it's Marek's then this article is well worth the read

Do what you can to keep him clean, drinking and eating.

The only way to know for sure what's wrong with him is have testing. Since you are hesitant about adding these new birds next to or with your older flock, it would be a good idea to find out. Then you can make your decisions based on the report you get.
If you cull him or he dies. Refrigerate the body and send it to your nearest NC lab
I'm sorry:hugs

If you think it's Marek's then this article is well worth the read

Do what you can to keep him clean, drinking and eating.

The only way to know for sure what's wrong with him is have testing. Since you are hesitant about adding these new birds next to or with your older flock, it would be a good idea to find out. Then you can make your decisions based on the report you get.
If you cull him or he dies. Refrigerate the body and send it to your nearest NC lab

I just finished reading that. He's got the green poop, the paralysis issues, and the labored breathing. Though, right now his breathing isn't as labored as it has been. He has basically been sitting around 98% of the day with his eyes closed and barely moving. I've got his food and water near him and he will sometimes wake up to eat and drink, but not for very long. I have a feeling, though, he won't make it through the night. If he does I'll be surprised.

The link you gave for the faq says death can occur between 1-2 weeks after symptoms show. Tomorrow is 1 week since I first noticed the lethargy. I'm still hoping it's something else and he is only very weak due to loss of electrolytes and stuff (I've put some stuff in his water to help with that, just in case) but I'm still preparing myself that he'll die very soon.
I just finished reading that. He's got the green poop, the paralysis issues, and the labored breathing. Though, right now his breathing isn't as labored as it has been. He has basically been sitting around 98% of the day with his eyes closed and barely moving. I've got his food and water near him and he will sometimes wake up to eat and drink, but not for very long. I have a feeling, though, he won't make it through the night. If he does I'll be surprised.

The link you gave for the faq says death can occur between 1-2 weeks after symptoms show. Tomorrow is 1 week since I first noticed the lethargy. I'm still hoping it's something else and he is only very weak due to loss of electrolytes and stuff (I've put some stuff in his water to help with that, just in case) but I'm still preparing myself that he'll die very soon.
I'm sorry:hugs
Did you ever treat with the Corid?
I'm sorry:hugs
Did you ever treat with the Corid?

Unfortunately, I don't have the money right now -_- But, on the off chance it is bacterial my sister has some Tylan. I gave him some last night and he's perked up and has been trying to stand more and he's had two poops that I've seen today and neither were green.

*crosses fingers* I really hope it's not Marek's and that whatever it is the Tylan is working. He's even begun making a little noise again here and there.

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