Slugs, an acquired taste?

if you just want to get rid of the slugs in your garden

put crushed (not pulverized) egg shells in your garden ... when they slither over the egg shells --- they cut themselves
Ever seen that picture of a snail crossing over a razor blade? National Geographic, I think....


i had a friend that had a strawberry patch and she would put in crushed egg shells - she said it got rid of her slug problem
My dogs do that too. I know, weird dogs.

If you really want to get rid of slugs you need a few ringed neck snakes. Of course since they're hardly bigger than worms, your chickens will eat them instead.
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My chickens will eat slugs only in the spring and late fall, when there aren't many other bugs available. So they're not a favorite, but they do rank above earthworms.
Ever seen that picture of a snail crossing over a razor blade? National Geographic, I think....

BRUTALLY painful to even think about...I'd rather be stepped on...more of an instant thing!
Here are the facts in a nutshell: If you want to get rid of slugs and snails in your garden, get a couple ducks. If you want to get rid of your garden altogether, get yourself a flock of chickens and let them free range without supervision...
Ever seen that picture of a snail crossing over a razor blade? National Geographic, I think....

BRUTALLY painful to even think about...I'd rather be stepped on...more of an instant thing!

I should have elaborated a bit more - the snail was fine, it was deftly sliding across the edge of the blade with no damage whatsoever! No mention of whether it was getting a shave in the process though
...and certainly if you want to get rid of garden visitors (of the human variety) get some of each! There's nothing like brushing a little duck/chicken poo off your patio furniture just before inviting your guests to sit to make them all remember forgotten appointments!
Oh the snail survived the razor...good news! LOL Just in time to be smashed by big foot!

I have just wild bird poop issues on the patio furniture...always daily having to wipe off bird poop! ugh!

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