slugs and baby ducks

We were offering teeny slugs to our ducklings by their second week. By then they were used to us offering them treats and they would run over to nab whatever we had.

Because the slime makes them harder to eat we made sure they we really small slugs at first. Now as adults they actively hunt them or will come running if we call out, "Slug!"

It's funny watching them try to get down one of the huge banana slugs.
they must have ate them, the slugs are gone. i'm planning on catching some slugs with beer. can the ducks have beer soaked slugs?
I wouldn't lol! I had a clutch of wild birds that i was fostering....i had them on a grain mixture (as well as worms etc) the grain mixture was wetted down and kept in the fridge when not in use. I kept some of the grain one too many days...and it fermented...killed all but one chick.
Anyone know how many slugs is too many for ducks that are 14 days old? ours are gobbling them up (we bring them in from the garden because we really want them to like them and hunt them) but I am a little worried we may have jumped the gun. They are fairly small (half an inch long?) but fat. They seem to have no problem getting them down with help from the water dish and we are watching them afterwards to make sure their beaks don't get sealed shut. however, i did see one regurgitate a couple of slugs 10 minutes after we were done eating and they all then ate them (YUCK!) so it made me think maybe we overdid it.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Hard to over do something they evolved to eat. Mine pig out on slugs, rolly poles and ear wigs from an early age.
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