Smacking the chickens?

People are people and none of us are perfect. Not you, not I or the poster. Never will be. People make mistakes and this poster realized hers right away. To err is human to forgive is divine.

I didn't insinuate that I was perfect, and if that it was what you gleaned from my post then you are sadly mistaken. Just as it's ok for you and everyone else who replied to express your opinion, I have the same ability and in this instance felt compelled to respond.

If you reread my post you'll see where I recognized and spoke directly to the OP about the "mistake". I made no implication that I thought the OP was proud of the behavior or that they intended for it to happen.

It's ok, to make's ok to try to correct them. It's also ok for me to be honest and try to help by addressing not only how to rectify the situation, but how to avoid this situation in the future by finding a different coping mechanism.

As for forgiveness...The OP's mistake is not mine to forgive.
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well since this post was still sort of going i thought id just drop in for an update.

about this kind of confused here too...
well as tubby mentioned here
I understand that everyone wants to show compassion for the OP but I didn't read a lot of remorse in the first post

and in another post mentioned
As for forgiveness...The OP's mistake is not mine to forgive.

well from what i posted the first time, im sure you would notice that it was an indication that i was wrong. and obviously i didnt sound like i was begging on my knees because its not "your or anyone elses forgivness that im asking for"

and maybe its how i worded it in the first place now that i think of it.
when i mentioned a "smack" i dont know what is running through peoples head. but it was a slight tap no harder than a flicking with your finger.

but anyhow...ive learned from experience what happend...and even a slight slap is wrong....and i have realised that you cannot really teach a chicken apart from letting it adapt to its own devices unlike a dog or cat where u can train them.

anyways, not that im upset with u.
my update is that the hen is actually getting much better... its a tiny fraction still a bit nervous about me patting...when i raise my hand to pat walks away but i can manage to get several pats.
it kinda back to is always the first one to steal the food from my hand before i even hand them out...

all is good its now in the coop daily at dusk, but it does kinda move aroudn the inside of the coop a bit, as it might sleep in the corner...
tomorrow it strangely snuggles up right next to the older hen side by side...
and another day might be on the other side of the room further away from the other hen.

thanks all for your support and advice.​
To clarify...

Remorse: 1. deep and painful regret for wrongdoing

Showing remorse is not asking anyone's forgiveness and is unrelated to whether or not anyone feels the need to forgive your behavior. I reread my first post...and then I reread yours and the topic of this thread "Smacking the chickens?" and I still don't read any remorse there.

Furthermore, you mention now that your assault was no more than a finger tap...

This is what you originally posted: "i guess i got carried away, i swung up then the door and smacked it several times." Nothing about that implies you lightly tapped the chicken. I'm very glad if that's the case, because a light tap, while still inappropriate, would hopefully be damaging to a lesser degree.

I'm glad that the hen is coming around and thankful that you cared enough to attempt to rectify the situation.​

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