Small chick, wondering if this is normal


Apr 4, 2023
I have 5 polish crested chicks, right about 6 weeks old. They all seem healthy but one is tiny in comparison. She seems just as healthy as the rest and is incredibly sweet and almost prefers humans to her chicken siblings. We’re quite attached to her so I’m just wondering if I should be concerned with her small size or if it can just happen? She eats, she holds her own, nobody picks on her… picture attached for size reference


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Ok. I do have one rooster chick in my group of 5, he and the other three girls are the same size relatively. This little girl is just little. Yesterday she was backing the rooster down so she’s definitely healthy lol. I was thinking originally worms maybe but then wouldn’t they all have the same issue? Plus they’re in my house so can that really be a possibility?
Ok. I do have one rooster chick in my group of 5, he and the other three girls are the same size relatively. This little girl is just little. Yesterday she was backing the rooster down so she’s definitely healthy lol. I was thinking originally worms maybe but then wouldn’t they all have the same issue? Plus they’re in my house so can that really be a possibility?
If I'd be anything, it would be some kind of vitamin deficiency. But, if there is something like that, it is usually always accompanied by another negative symptom, like wry neck. If she is eating and playing just fine, there isn't anything to be concerned with.
Amongst my new chicks, I have two Buff Orpington. In the past few days, they have gone from being little twinkie twins to...not. One is a little smaller than the rest, now the runt (seems to otherwise be healthy) the other is suddenly exploding in size and feathering AND is the only chick in the brooder (of 7 in all) that seems to be developing a clearly defined comb. I've attached pics...the last one is the runt's face, for comparison. Thoughts?


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I have two ISA Browns, two Speckled Sussex, two Barred Rocks, and two Black Australorps and one of each of the pair is smaller than the other, especially one of my Speckled Sussex. They all seem to be doing fine, and I think my Speckled Sussex is just as feisty as the other ones that are almost twice her size.
UPDATE: For my little runt, I added some electrolytes and probiotics to the waterer, because it seemed like it needed a boost. I think it helped... although it's still smaller, it seemed to have grown overnight and has gotten a bunch of new feathers. It's trying to get into the action more with the other chicks and appetite seems to have increased. I'm feeling much better (I was starting to get concerned) about it.


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