Small eggs from white Leghorn


6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
I think it's a little bit early, but my leghorn started laying eggs already. She is only about 15 weeks old. The eggs are quite small though. Is this going to change or just normal size?

This is my girl, Shine, taken two weeks ago.
Absolutely NO expert but, my understanding (and experience thus far...since October 2012
) is that the eggs start smaller than normal and grow as the bird gets into the swing of things. Had one of my new girls lay an egg...about the size of my thumb nail...certainly hoping they get bigger

Oh...and by the way...such a PRETTY bird. Looks like my Ambroshis...
Thank you! I figured it was just because she was young and it would grow bigger, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't something else. I'm very new to chickens. Just got three in March and we LOVE them!

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