Small Eggs


May 8, 2020
Finger Lakes, NY/5B
About a month ago I moved all my ducks into the same coop -- they have been hanging out together in the same pen since November. From the beginning, two of them have laid torpedos and then the other three lay good size duck eggs. After moving everyone in together all the eggs have been trending down in size to the point that they're smaller than a chicken egg. I figured it would take time to adjust, but things are not bouncing back.

They're currently on 16% organic soy-free duck feed, get plenty of foraging time (plus treats) and sunflower seeds. Is there anything else I can throw in the mix or do they need a higher protein feed in general?
About ten days ago everyone got switched (over a period of about five days) to the current soy-free feed, but the egg issue were happening before that. Everything else about their routine has been the same.

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