Smell and cleanup


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 17, 2013
I have quail in cages about 4 feet off ground. I was wondering what it can put down to keep the smell down and also keep the flies down back there also. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks
I just had a thread about this a couple weeks ago. Quail stink!!

My biggest success has been to clean up all traces of poo daily and dispose of it in a covered trash can. I also pour some cleaner under their coop because I have it on a concrete slab. I have heard that having some boards under the coop is easy because you can scrape the poo off the boards with a spackle knife directly into the trash can and then just hose off the boards.

I also run a fan onto my coop because we live in a hot climate, however I also found that the fan dries the the poo up very quickly and thus less mess. It also blows the flies away and they have less chance of landing.
Quail do smell, but once you get into a routine on cleaning, they are OK. Below each of my 8 cages is a tray that I line with newspaper; a couple of sheets work. When cleanup day arrives, I gather the used newspaper and toss it into a composter, and reline the tray with fresh newspaper. I clean cages twice a week. I work at a medical center, so I make it a point to stroll past the waiting areas and gather any newspaper before Environmental Services make their rounds.
Is quail poop more like chicken poop, that you need to compost before using in your garden? Is it as "hot" as chicken's?

EDITED: never mind - I found the answer searching the forum. Sorry should have done that first.
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Quote: For anyone else who may have this question, the answer is "yes".

Shovel up your excess quail manure each week and move it to a garden manure bin to age until it breaks down before using it on plants. It is high in nitrogen, and it can burn plants. In the heat of the summer, if the manure does emit much odor, a light covering of lime will eliminate it and sweeten the pile.

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