Smelled something rotten... He made it! Quail Hatching!

I really hope you can save the egg. Someone told me that wrapping the egg in wax helped (monarc23, I think that was you). I don't know if it works, but you could try it........

He made it!


I see three other pips going on right now too. YAY!

Monarc, do you think you might have any day-olds here in the next few days for sale? If so, what kind and how much? If I don't get at least 10 out of this lot I'd like to give them a little company.
Oh my gosh! congratulations!!! he's beautiful! looks like a golden too (ii looked at it quickly but im pretty sure lol)! edited to add...nevermind looks like an A & M hehe still beautiful!

Sadly I don't ship out chicks that are day olds
If you were closer I'd just let you come pick up some for free but I've just heard too many horror stories about s hipping just hatched coturnix chicks opening up the shipping box to all doa or most doa. I only ship chicks that are 2+ weeks old
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I hope your hatch has been going great!

Fantastic! Thanks for asking! I have 22 little chicks running around
17 Texas A&M, 4 Jumbo Browns and 1 Tuxedo. I think they're about done - I don't see any more pips or zips. This was my first time with Coturnix, so I'm just tickled!

Glad your little guy made it! I'd been making regular checks to see if there were any updates.
Congrats, Southernbelle!
Sounds like you're gonna be busy!

Monarc, that is very kind of you.
Wish I *was* closer! How much time would you allow between the age of chicks that you might consider mixing? I might be interested in some 2-week-olds if that's a viable option.
Yep I really am.
You might have noticed every once in a while I post a billion different threads a day... (OK not really a billion, but a lot!) and I always seem to be working on a ton of different projects.
Chaos indeed!
There is potential for my kids to have it, but nothing has been diagnosed yet.
OH same here..
I wish I was close to everyone on here (physically) but me thinks it's a good thing we're all far away or we'd all have WAY too many birds to the point that no one would swap anymore because we'd all have eachothers birds already

I'm a little bit confused about what you're asking. Are you meaning that i'd be willing to mix together and send to you OR are you meaning if I sent you 2+ week olds and mixed them with your existing babies?? If its' teh second option.... picture my brooder ....
3- 3 weel old bc marans
10 some 6 day old coturnix
1- 4 week old coturnix
about 5- 3 week old coturnix
1 standard rir chick that's about 6 days old as well
2 cochin bantams that are abouuut 4 weeks old?
ummm umm... well you get teh picture lol all have been together since hatching... you only really need to be concerned about mixing ages of coturnix (and chicken chicks in my experience) when they are just first hatched because for some reason they think that newly hatched chick wobbily feet are edible
after that they get along peacefully. So if youre interested in mixing your chicks born today with my chicks here in a little over a week or two sure... it will work

If you're interested PM me with your zipcode and how many you'd be interested in (they are $3.50 each...i may have some avail now but i cannot guarrentee sex on them if so because of the colors they are...howeevverrrr since im niiice tomorrow I can look in my 4 week old pen (hehe) and see if theres any browns i'd be willing to give up
because if so, i can sell you already sexed birds of them but i have to look them over tomorrow hehe I dunno how many i have to be honest) LOL!

Also, I am willing to put younger chicks in with older chicks...because my main issue is the younger chicks keeping if you're seriously interested we can surely talk it over in PMs!

Shipping is expensive though so be prepaired, annnd you'll be required (ha listen to me) to buy a horizon box and have it shipped to me's less hassle fo rme that way...I'll give you the link to the shiping box I require bought and my address if you are interested in this the box is $9.95....and once i know how many you want, and what you want of, by tomorrow afternoon I should be able to tell you what Im willing to sell and what the total will be

im done rambling now

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