Smoke Inhalation! Please Help! URGENT!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 5, 2009
I checked on my coop moments ago, and smoke was coming out of the ventilation. I sprinted across the yard and found the problem to be 120W heat lamp that had fallen onto the bedding. The bedding around it was burnt and smoking, but not on fire. I immediately threw out all the burnt bedding, opened out all the windows and doors, and checked each chicken individually. While non of the chickens are burnt, they are all coughing and a few are croaking like frogs instead of chickens! I gave them fresh water, but they don't seem to use it! They have been eating the snow, so I gave them as much as I could. I can't have the windows open for too long, because I am in Minneapolis, MN and it is cold, windy, and snowy. What can I do!? They sound miserable!
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How scary! Thank goodness you saw it before it turned into a full-on fire!!! I would think your chickens could recover from this quickly.

Can you put a fan up to a window/door blowing OUT- to suck the smoke out? Good luck and let us know about your chix!
i think your better off leaving the windows open and checking on them often and maybe close them if they look too cold.rer then keeping all that smoke in there.good luck and maybe you can change out all the bedding .
You might want to check them for soot on their beaks. They might be breathing this in too. If the one is wheezing real bad can you put her in a garage or somewhere where its kind of warm and have a fan on her so that she gets something kind of like forced room air?? Hope they are ok. They are lucky to have someone like you who watches out for them so good! Can you image if you wouldnt have seen that?? So sad........ Good luck!!

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