Snake!! Any ideas


Mar 31, 2020
West Georgia
Any ideas what type of snake this is ?? No that’s the only picture I got before he made his way to never land..
The snakes you want to worry about are poisonous ones and you'll know them right away because they have diamond-shaped heads. Most other snakes are beneficial, eating rodents and other pests, unless they're getting inside your coop to go after the eggs. Then they deserve what they get! :)
Look up what snakes live in your area, and enjoy watching the many interesting rodent eating critters that most of them are! Pit vipers are very distintive looking, and the only problem is if hognosed snakes live nearby, they are harmless and shouldn't be mistaken for a rattlesnake.
Up here we only have one poisonous snake, the small Massasaugua (spelled wrong!) rattler, which is pretty rare.
I've lived in serious pit viper country, and never stick my hand where I can't see what's there first!
The snakes you want to worry about are poisonous ones and you'll know them right away because they have diamond-shaped heads. Most other snakes are beneficial, eating rodents and other pests, unless they're getting inside your coop to go after the eggs. Then they deserve what they get! :)
Ya it was close enough to the coop area, I know we have some rat snake babies around, and I been on the look out for those. I’m a firm believer a good snake is a dead snake lol.
Eastern Worm Snake (Carphophis amoenus amoenus)... Diet consists mainly of earthworms along with slugs and snails. Our state Herpetilogical society found the remains of fly larvae in one once.

A very lucky encounter! I have yet to find one. They rarely come out of hiding.

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