Snake ID


11 Years
Jul 16, 2008
Norman Oklahoma
If possible to ID this bad boy, DH was bit last night.

The tail is NOT yellow and has a tiny rattle on its tail.

He was bit on his index finger it is black and his hand is swolen, I can see where it is moving up his arm. At 1st we thought copper head but heck we dont know.

Copperheads don't have a rattle, as far as I know only rattlesnakes have rattles. I recommend you take a pic of the snake and hubby to either an urgent care center or er. Also, people think a small poisonous snake is less dangerous than a full grown one, but it's always the case. The babies don't know how to control how much venom they release where adults can.
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If it has a rattle I would assume it's a small rattle snake...not sure what kind you guys have out there, but we have plenty of them here. You need to take your hubby to the Dr and bring the snake with you for ID purposes.
I would get that looked at by a doctor. I had somethign similar looking in near my garage. I snapped a picture of it and sent it to my DH. DH said it was MI only poisonous snake.

Here's a link. There are some pictures you can look at.,1607,7-153-10370_12145_12201-32995--,00.html

The one I saw was much lighter in color because it was a young snake.

Thankfully, it wasn't aggressive towards me. I slowly backed up, and he moved on.

I hope that helps.


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