Snake in nest. Should I move it into a more secure area?


7 Years
Mar 5, 2014
This is only my second year with ducks and my Buff started laying on her eggs around the 28th of June. Soon one of the runners joined her in kind of a nanny role and now they have quite the nest going. It's in a fenced pen (2x4 fencing with chicken wire running 12" up) right NEXT to the fabulous duck house I spent 8 months building. During the day, we keep the gate open and let them all free range, but normally one of the two is sitting at all times. This morning I noticed Mom was out running the yard with all the rest of the ducks and obviously upset. Went to check on the nest and a 6 foot bull snake was on it. It had already devoured quite a few eggs and by the time I got back with a shovel, it had disappeared. I believe a snake would be unable to get into the duck house if the door was shut. Should I try moving the nest into the duck house to help deter the snake?
Seems your only choice then would be to move the nest. Either way the snake will get them outside or the ducks won't go back to sitting. But there is always a chance if you move them. Inside your coop make a hidy space for a duck to make her nest away from everyone else. Just a piece of plywood screwed to the wall so she can get into it and lay. I have small little cubbies and mine use them every morning to lay their eggs.
Follow up- I tried snake repellant and that worked for a little over a week, but then he came back. We ended up shooting the snake. :( I'm not advocating that but moving the nest seemed so risky so close to hatch time. We are down to 4 eggs now and this morning one seems to be trying to hatch!

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